Pool Information Sheets
Click on one of the titles below to view the full article.
Amoebic MeningitisBackwashing Your Filter
Chemical Safety Tips
Green Pool Treatment
Maintaining Your Pump and Filter
Pool Terms
Pool Tips And Tricks
Salt Chlorinators
Seasonal Care - Swimming Season
Seasonal Care - Autumn & Winter
Seasonal Care - Spring Clean
Spa Maintenance
Water Balance
Water Testing
Seasonal Care - Autumn & Winter
Do not turn your pool off for Winter.
- Winterise your pool by adding a Winteriser which will work with chlorine to keep your pool algae free during winter.
- Reduce the filtration time to 3 - 4 hours daily and turn down chlorinator output gauge.
- Check the salt level monthly and add as necessary to avoid damage to the salt cell.
- Test the water and balance pool regularly to avoid corrosion and scale.
- Check skimmer and pump baskets regularly - keep free from debris to avoid damage to equipment.
- Now is the time to eliminate any blackspot - see BlackSpot Treatment Sheet.
- Regularly check your pool as it is easier to treat problems when they start than when they have had a chance to establish.