Pool Information Sheets
Click on one of the titles below to view the full article.
Amoebic MeningitisBackwashing Your Filter
Chemical Safety Tips
Green Pool Treatment
Maintaining Your Pump and Filter
Pool Terms
Pool Tips And Tricks
Salt Chlorinators
Seasonal Care - Swimming Season
Seasonal Care - Autumn & Winter
Seasonal Care - Spring Clean
Spa Maintenance
Water Balance
Water Testing
Seasonal Care - Spring Clean
- Test pool water and balance as needed.
- Check the stabiliser level and add as necessary to prevent chlorine depletion from the effects of sunlight.
- Shock treat your pool to ensure there is sufficient chlorine for the destruction of Chloramines.
- If you have a salt chlorinator check the salt level in your pool & add salt if necessary.
- Check the salt cell (electrode) is clean. You may need to turn up the output gauge if the weather is warm and sunny.
- Check the pump and clean the basket. Lubricate rubber seals with a silicon based lubricant. Do not use Vaseline or petroleum based lubricant. You may need to increase the pump running time as the weather gets warmer and sunnier.
- Clean the filter. Now is the time to acid bath your D.E. filter pads or cartridge.
- Empty the skimmer basket, brush and vacuum the pool.
If your pool has developed an algae problem during the winter, see the Green Pool Treatment sheet.