Pool Information Sheets

Click on one of the titles below to view the full article.

Amoebic Meningitis
Backwashing Your Filter
Chemical Safety Tips
Green Pool Treatment
Maintaining Your Pump and Filter
Pool Terms
Pool Tips And Tricks
Salt Chlorinators
Seasonal Care - Swimming Season
Seasonal Care - Autumn & Winter
Seasonal Care - Spring Clean
Spa Maintenance
Water Balance
Water Testing

Green Pool Treatment

Insufficient chlorine
Poor water circulation

Method of Treatment

  1. Turn off pump, make sure the water is to the top of the pool, remove automatic pool cleaner and any other items from the pool.
  2. Remove as many leaves and debris from the pool as is possible.
  3. Add 2kg chlorine  dissolved in water and distributed over the pool.
  4. Check ph - must be around 7.5 - 7.8 for floc treatment to work efficiently.
  5. Add floc - check amount required for pool volume on the label.
  6. Brush the walls and bottom of the pool thoroughly. The better brushed the better end result.
  7. Run on recirculate for an hour or so to circulate chemicals.
  8. Leave for 4 - 8 hours at which time the pool should be clear and all the debris should be on the bottom of the pool.
  9. Vacuum the pool to waste with your manual vacuum until all debris has been removed, then strip & clean or backwash and rinse the filter before commencing normal filter operations. Don't forget to add D.E. if it is a D.E. filter
  10. If the pool is very green the vacuum may have to be repeated a few times, leaving to settle in between vacuums. Make sure the pool is kept topped up as vacuuming to waste empties the pool.
  11. Rebalance pool chemicals - bring sample to the Pool Shop for analysis.

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