Pool Information Sheets

Click on one of the titles below to view the full article.

Amoebic Meningitis
Backwashing Your Filter
Chemical Safety Tips
Green Pool Treatment
Maintaining Your Pump and Filter
Pool Terms
Pool Tips And Tricks
Salt Chlorinators
Seasonal Care - Swimming Season
Seasonal Care - Autumn & Winter
Seasonal Care - Spring Clean
Spa Maintenance
Water Balance
Water Testing

Water Testing

Water testing is extremely important for you and your family's safety.

Incorrectly balanced pool water can cause many health issues - ranging from ear aches - infections - stomach problems or irritated skin to DEATH. See Amoebic Meningitis Sheet.

It is also very important for the pool surfaces and equipment for water to be kept in a good balanced condition.

Keeping the pool in balanced condition is also much cheaper and less work on your part.

If the pool goes green from insufficient chlorine it can be a very long and expensive excercise to get it clean again, not to mention the fact that the pool is out of action and cannot be used until clean.

You should always have a test kit or test strips on hand at all times, and NEVER allow anyone to swim without testing and verifying the chlorine and PH levels.

Please note: Free water testing and advice is always available from Canning Pool & Pump Centre.

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